When seeking a professional service that you can rely on in terms of efficiency, speed and skill, it may be difficult to choose from a long list of suitors which want the business of your firm, and the name of your assets for their portfolios. Each and every il and gas reserves firm of course wants the name of a prestigious, high value asset on their portfolio, so you may find yourself drowning in a sea of professionals which claim that they can be the difference between a strong prospect study and a weak one.
That isn’t the case at all, as you might find. Established names rarely peddle for business, and Oil and Gas Reserves and Evaluation is a somewhat tricky field to even get into. When you’re looking at suitors, try to look for a firm with a solid base in respected organizations such as the society of petroleum evaluation engineers, as well as adherence to the SPE PRMS. Once you have a firm which can display relevance with these organizations, you’ll want to look at the firm’s portfolio.
Look for a firm which have experience of both generation of evaluation for public disclosure, and a firm which has experience of providing audits for confidential purpose. That way you’ll get the best of both worlds, a firm which can generate both private and public reports in order to suit the needs of your business as they arise.
Finally, you’ll want to select a firm with a strong background in public reserves and resources reporting. A good auditor background is optimal, and you’ll want a detailed and thorough account of the amount of E&P Companies of which your suitor has developed audits for. For the road ahead, it pays to have your Oil and Gas Reserves and Resources Evaluation Company have experience of factors and processes such as acquisitions, or divestments and mergers, bond issues, reserve based lending, as well as portfolio management.
You might feel that your E&P Company sometimes feels like a princess being wooed by a number of companies which are looking to make their fortunes. With proper research and proper care and attention at a preliminary stage, you’ll be able to find the Oil and Gas Reserves and Resources Evaluation Company that is your proverbial prince – without wading through a sea of frogs in order to do so.
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