Should you have an idea which either enables a process to happen or prevents a problem occurring in an existing process but lack the facilities in order to make this idea a reality, there are means of which you can have a solution made on your behalf. This is known as custom fabrication, where a team of engineers will examine your design and create it on your behalf using machinery and expertise which may or may not be out of your reach.
Custom fabrication can be an expensive process, so it is so important to be kept informed. When you’re waiting for custom fabrication work, there are a few things which are imperative to the process in order for it to happen in a smooth manner. Choosing a company which adheres and delivers to each of these things is paramount for peace of mind and security in the design phase, the fabrication phase, and the lifetime of the fabrication is vital.
The first thing you’ll want to ask of your custom fabrication company is their experience. As you may be able to imagine, there are a variety of differing materials and a variety of different approaches to take in the field of custom fabrications, as by its very nature, no such solution already exists. This is where engineer experience is absolutely vital, in order to use materials that benefit the process in all respects. Look for a company which has experience in the field you’re looking for, as well as sufficient knowledge to use what is compatible for the purposes you intend.
You might want to enquire as to the facilities which can be used to manufacture your custom fabrication. It is important to ensure that the company of which you choose to create your custom fabrication has competent engineers which use a range of modern machinery, as well as welding practises following UHV standards in the case of Ultrahigh Vacuum components. Also important is transparency. Scanwel are clear and transparent regarding any changes which must be made, and keep their clients informed throughout the entire way.
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