When a well does not warrant dedicated coring tools, there used to be very little choice to get accurate data. Well logging bridges a gap between budget and purpose and its value to a number of industries cannot be understated.
But what exactly is logging data? This is something which offers a wealth of insight regarding the characteristics of rocks or sediments, in an accurate fashion. Well logging / geologging has very many applications in a number of industries.
For instance, geologging is an excellent addition to any groundwater drilling task. Geologging assists with verifying the construction of a well, as well as maintaining the quality of the water available. Environmental losses are therefore minimised, and regulations adhered to.
The mining industry uses well logging to access core characteristics in a dig, and well logging also has the purpose of reducing downtime as well as optimising mining sites with a focus on worker safety. All manner of research organisations also use well logging records in order to study, measure and of course identify the properties of rocks and fluids.
Well logging is important for petroleum exploration as well as exploitation, and is used on a primary basis to identify the pay zones of gas or oil in reservoir formations on sea or on land. Of course, that is not the only purpose being well logging, and a great number of industries around the world stand to gain from understanding the land beneath our feet.
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