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How Can Social Media Help Drive Your Business?

Social networks have taken the online world by storm, with millions of people making accounts with a diverse range of social media platforms.

If you asked a number of people at random in the street if they used a social networking website on a regular basis, you will most probably find that a huge majority of them give you the answer “yes”.

The average person uses social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram etc.  for personal use. This allows them to connect to their friends, family and things in their life that mean something to them - in the online world. This opens up a whole new world of opportunities for existing and new businesses to help drive their business forward, as they now have the chance to promote their businesses to their target market, in a friendly and ‘personal’ way.

Using social media will not only give your business profile and live updates a presence on friends / followers’ news feeds, it allows you to interact with your following in a ‘light hearted way’ that can ultimately work wonders for your business. Now people are constantly on these social networking sites, it’s important for any business to get themselves stuck into social media advertising and avoid ‘falling behind the times’. When you work your social media profiles well, you are effectively getting free advertising to potential customers and clients, so it would be silly not to give it a try!

Powerful Ways Social Media Can HelpYour Business:

Positive Recommendation

Anybody using a company or buying a product for the first time is usually always interested in a ‘review’, or something someone who has already experienced the business’ service has got to say. By building a strong presence on social media websites, you are able to show off more and more of your happy customers’ experiences that ultimately have a huge effect on future customers. When you become recognized as a reputable business, you are much more likely to come up in ‘Suggested’ feeds that lead people to your pages, or even have the chance to use PPC (pay per click) advertising to drive more visitors.

Building Relationships

Being reliable, interesting and genuine as a business on social networking sites is an effective way of planting a ‘seed’ inside someone’s mind that makes YOUR business’ profile / page a place of interest or entertainment to them. This can ensure regular visitors that are likely to help you spread your messages. Through ‘sharing, following, liking, retweeting, pinning’…etc. those connected to you will help spread your word, which ultimately gives you more coverage, raising brand awareness, presence and a better chance of securing a new customer.

Direct Message and Conversation

This is one of the key points when it comes to using social media. By establishing yourself online and amassing a following, you are able to share current news, promotions, deals, availabilities etc. that can secure you more customers or visitors. Social media is becoming a ‘voice’ for businesses, which engages with their customers in the online world.

Promote your Products, Services & Events

The ability to post images, events, status updates, tweets etc. means you can visibly show people on their computer or mobile device exactly what you can offer. If you are a business that sells certain types of products, you are able to post photos of them, that people will now see on their ‘news feed’ without even having to go to your website. This helps generate interest towards your products and services that can help lead to a new customer. Many social media platforms allow people to create an ‘event’ that acts as a form of invitation and reminder to a user. This means if you have an upcoming event that you would like to invite as many people as possible - or a select number of people, you are able to do some with these features.

Increased Traffic and Links

Using social media can effectively drive higher levels of traffic to your website. Theoretically; the more people that visit your website, the more customers you will get (should you display your ability to fulfill the customer’s needs). Regular updates to your website’s blog, news page, offers etc. mean sharing your website and page links is completely necessary, which gets your more visitors, increased visibility and the chance to get more customers. Becoming popular on social bookmarking websites can drive high amounts of traffic to your website.

Ability to Improve your Business

By using social networking sites you have the biggest market research service at your disposal. Using social media allows you to get direct feedback from your consumers. This is extremely valuable as you are now able to see what people are saying about you, allowing you to evaluate where you may need to improve – that helps drive your business forward.

To Conclude 

There are a huge range of social networking websites that all have slightly different features. To decide which ones you may like to join, you can see a short list of some of our favorites. A quick read up on the social networks website will explain any questions on each one you may have. Whether you are an ‘average person’ or a business owner, if you haven’t yet got yourself onto any of the main social networks, then now is the time to do it!

When you become a member of certain social networking websites, you are able to incorporate updates and features from one to another.

Example 1:  You can post an update to both your Facebook and Twitter pages at the same time, but only have to write and submit it once.

Example 2:  Post a photo to Instagram – you can decide if you want this photo to come up on Facebook / Twitter when you go through the ‘upload’ process.

The UK Business Services Blog’s favorite Social Networking websites:

·         Facebook
·         Twitter
·         LinkedIn
·         Pinterest
·         Instagram
·         Google Plus

We wish you the best of luck on your Social Media adventure. Let us know how you get on!


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