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Why Use Heating Oil in North Wales?

In rural areas of the UK, mains gas is not always available within households. If your home is not connected to the mains gas grid, it’s likely you’ll using either LPG, electricity or heating oil to keep your home toasty.

Heating oil in North Wales is a popular option amongst those without access to mains gas, due to kerosene being one of the most affordable home heating options.

If you use heating oil within your home, there are numerous advantages to purchasing from a regular supplier.

Purchasing heating oil from a single supplier means that they can offer a variety of ongoing services, which can often be tailored to your personal fuel usage. This can include payment plans, delivery schedules and remote fuel tank monitoring.

So what are the benefits of heating oil over alternative methods? Heating oil is stored within a tank which is installed outside your property. Unlike LPG gas where you typically rent a tank to store your fuel, heating oil requires you to purchase your own tank.

Whilst this one-off payment may initially seem more costly than renting a tank, it works out cheaper in the long run - as tanks typically have a manufacturer’s warranty of ten years.

Heating oil tanks are usually bunded, which means that the design essentially features a tank within a tank. This double layer improves the durability of a tank and reduces the risks of oil spills, so it’s always best to ensure you choose a bunded tank when making your initial investment.

Once your tank is installed and you’ve chosen a reliable oil supplier, there’s not much left for you to take care of. If you’ve opted for a remote tank monitoring service, it means you won’t even have to check your fuel levels. Of course, it’s always best to check your tank once a month for any signs of wear and tear.

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